A common use of the IPN localizations is to search for bursts which are temporally and spatially coincident with some event. Software has been developed to do this, and there are three ways to use it.
1. Send me the position and the time window to search; I will run the program.
2. Download the program (written in FORTRAN), install it on your computer, and run it. The source code is here. You will also need to download the table of localizations.
3. Use the search tool.
In all cases, in order to do a complete search, the localization database needs to be fully populated. If you give me the time period of interest, I will make sure that it is.
The search tool will prompt you for a time range and a position to search. It will then execute two programs. The first one determines the total number of events in the time range.
The second one searches for localized events in the time range of interest, and tests the localizations to see if they are consistent with the given position. It may happen that the number
of localized events is less than the total number. If this is the case, the database may need to be populated. Contact me and I will do it. For each localized event, the result of the search
is given, and the area of the localization region is calculated. When the search is finished, the total area covered by the localizations is used to calculate the chance probability of a match
between the given position and the localizations. It may happen that the IPN triangulation annulus or annuli ( calculated to 3 sigma accuracy) does not intersect the various other regions,
which may be, for example, one sigma error circles. This is noted in the output.
Contact me for help in interpreting your results, or if you have suggestions to improve the search tool.